Historical Research

The Society encourages historical reseach, particularly in relation to Malahide, its environs and its people. We will also be pleased to consider publishing suitable material on this website.

NEWSLETTER index by subject

NEWSNEWSLETER index by issue



An average of three editions per year of the "NEWSLETTER" have been distributed to members since the Society was founded in September 1978. The 100th edition was issued in 2013. A very wide variety of topics of mainly local historical interest have been covered in this journal over the years. However, please be aware that an entry might refer to anything from a passing reference to substantial detail. The back numbers should provide plenty of inspiration and information, particularly for those doing school projects or essays.

An  alphabetical index and an index by issue number may be consulted via the links above.

Back numbers are available by post and at the Society's museum at a cost of €1 per copy.

Files containing copies of many issues may be consulted free at Malahide Public Library.


Local books

There are three fairly comprehensive books available in local bookshops and from the MHS Museum in Malahide Castle.

Old Malahide Roger Greene, 2012  

Portmarnock Garry Ahern, 2013 

Malahide Snapshot 1901: People, Society, Economy Gerry Kingston, 2018



Some titles may be available in Malahide Public Library, or in Fingal Local Studies Branch of Fingal Libraries, North St, Swords.